Project: SIVAP

Project Status

DoI Prevous Projects

The Smallholder Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP), financed under the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) Multi-Donor Trust Fund, aimed to contribute to food security, increase income levels and effect poverty reduction in Malawi. SIVAP was implemented in Karonga, Nkhota-kota, Salima, Machinga and Chikhwawa Districts, within the green belt zone prioritized for agricultural investments. The Project was a direct response to the Government of Malawi (GoM)’s desire to enhance agricultural productivity by promoting irrigated agriculture. It was implemented through the Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp) and supported the Government’s efforts in promoting irrigation development to enhance household food security and increase smallholder farmers’ income. SIVAP had 3 components: (i) sustainable land and water management; (ii) crop diversification and value chain development; and (iii) institutional strengthening and capacity building and was implemented for 5 years from 2013 to 2018 at a total cost is UA 29.596 (USD 44.65) million.

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