Project: CARLA

Project Status

DoI Prevous Projects

The Climate Adaptation for Rural Livelihoods and Agriculture (CARLA) project was implemented in Malawi in the three districts of Karonga, Dedza and Chikhwawa as identified under the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) in 2006. The goal of the CARLA project was to improve resilience to current climate variability and future climate change by developing and implementing adaptation strategies and measures that will improve agricultural production and rural livelihoods. The two main outputs of the project were: (i) integrated climate change adaptation strategies and interventions that improve agricultural production and rural livelihoods; and (ii) enhanced national and district agencies capacities to support community-based adaptation to climate change. The project was implemented in five years from May 2007 to May 2012, with a GEF grant of US$3.0 million.


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