Project: MFSRP/ AGCOM 2

Project Status

Ongoing Projects

The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is implementing the Malawi Food Systems Resilience Program (MFSRP) locally branded as the Second Agricultural Commercialization (AGCOM 2) Project. This is a six-year (May 2023 – August 2029) project supported by the World Bank through the International Development Association (IDA), Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) and Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). The MFSRP/AGCOM 2 is part of the World Bank’s regional program with a Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA).

The MFSRP aims to continue pursuing the main objective of AGCOM 1 which is to increase the commercialization of primary and value-added agricultural products to enhance national and regional food systems’ resilience. The project will build food systems resilience by developing climate-smart farming and irrigation systems, through investments in research, extension, infrastructure, and capacity building of pivotal public institutions to undertake resilience-enhancing policy reforms. These interventions are packaged within six components namely, (i) (Re)-Building Resilient Agricultural Production Capacity, (ii) Supporting the Sustainable Development of Natural Resources for Resilient Agricultural Landscapes, (iii) Getting to Market, (iv) Promoting a greater focus on Food Systems Resilience in National and Regional Policymaking, (v) Project Management, and (vi) Contingency Emergency Response (CERC).

The MFSRP is aligned with the national development vision, Malawi 2063, and its first 10-year implementation plan. The Malawi 2063, Malawi’s overarching development vision, rests on three pillars: (i) Agriculture Productivity and Commercialization; (ii) Industrialization; and (iii) Urbanization.

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